Is That a Gun in Your Diaper or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Bubba's father filled out the application for him after Bubba's grandfather gave him the Beretta as a gift. Not thinking he would actually get the permit, Howard Ludwig, Sr. listed the baby's correct height and weight (2 ft. 3 in, 20 lbs.) on the form and drew a squiggly line where the signature of the applicant should be.
Turns out that Illinois doesn't have an age requirement for gun permits. Congratulations Bubba, you can now protect your home and family!
Labels: Guns
Not sure what to make of this. Not sure at all.
4:17 PM
All I know is that our gun laws clearly make perfect sense and anyone who suggests we have a public debate on the issue is a dirty, evil, communist. It's so obvious! OF COURSE the framers of the Constitution were referring to infants when they drafted the Second Amendment! They're our most vulnerable citizens!
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go light myself on fire now.
10:31 AM
No the pre-born infants are our most valuable citizens, infants come in second. Basically, the further you get from being an embryo, the less valuable you are.
Guns for blastocysts! WhooHoo
12:01 PM
Maybe a gun should come free with every E.P.T. purchase! It is no shock that I'm in Marketing! This was good idea #4 for the day. I will have 8 more before I go to bed. -Lulu
12:06 PM
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