Has Fred Phelps Franchised?

There are lots of things I could say about this, like, maybe this guy is right...I mean look how many earthquakes San Francisco has...but I think I'll just leave it at "Shlomo is an awesome name".
P.S. The picture above has nothing to do with Israel, but it is pretty funny.
Um, the one sign in the photo that I don't really understand is the one that says "God loves maimed soldiers." A close second is "God hates your tears." What happens if a maimed soldier is crying? What a predicament in which God would find himself, if these loonies' theories proved true... Idiots.
8:35 AM
I think you may be on to something...that house music does make people do terrible things.
11:04 AM
I knew a Schlomo in real life. It was hard to call his office and ask for him. Thank goodness I only had to meet him once. That's terrible to say, isn't it?
I would love it if gays could actually cause natural disasters. That would be so cool!
7:17 PM
Shlomo is committing a common logical fallacy--confusing correlation with causation. What if gays just tend to congregate near earthquakes? Maybe earthquakes cause homosexuality? Shlomo needs to design a good double-blind randomized study with a solid control group.
PS to totebag, the WBC God (not to be confused with any other God) loves that the soldiers are maimed, not the actual soldiers—sort of the sick reverse of “love the sinner, hate the sin.”
3:04 PM
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