Celebrate Your Loved One…By turning them Into Stunning Jewelry

There is an accepted opinion that there are 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It turns out that there is now a 6th stage of the grieving process: having the carbon molecules from your loved one turned into a diamond. If you choose to observe this last step, LifeGem can help. LifeGem takes the ashes from your loved one, human or pet, extracts their carbon, and through a process too complicated to explain, creates a rare and precious diamond. The process of turning carbon into a diamond takes the earth millions of years, but LifeGem’s advanced scientific methods take only 6-9 months.
In addition to creating LifeGem Memorial diamonds for people who have lost a person or pet, the company has recently announced that it will start making celebrity diamonds. The first celebrity to be reborn as a precious gem will be world-famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven! Using locks of Beethoven’s hair, LifeGem will create 3 diamonds, sure to be the rarest and most valuable on earth. These diamonds will initially go on display in museums, but will eventually be auctioned off with all proceeds going towards creating LifeGem diamonds for underprivileged and military families.
I’m not going to knock a family or individual who chooses to have their loved one turned into an indestructible diamond. I think that people should cope with grief in whatever way provides them hope and comfort. In fact, my work provides me with a huge life insurance policy; I have no dependents, so maybe I will instruct my family to use this money to turn me into a beautiful diamond. I also think it is a nice thought to give an underprivileged family a LifeGem memorial diamond, but do you really want to set up a situation where a family has to choose between paying the mortgage and pawning their loved one?
*Thanks to Fumbles for the tip.
Wow. The crew is either on vacation or has been struck speechless...
2:56 PM
How can I get my hands on one made from someone who is not dead yet?
12:11 PM
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