David Copperfield Fights Crime with MAGIC

A few months back, while leaving a show, the World Famous Illusionist and 2 lady assistants were approached by 3 teenage boys who attempted to rob them. The lady assistants handed over their belongings without incident, but when the teens approached Copperfield, he turned out his pockets to reveal…emptiness. In actuality he was carrying his passport, wallet, and cell phone. He told the judge that it “wasn’t difficult to make it seem like nothing was there.” (then there was a loud bang, and the courtroom filled with smoke, and when the smoke cleared, the judge was sitting naked on the witness stand and David Copperfield was sitting in the judge's chair with the gavel and all of the robes and power and stuff*).
How dumb do you have to be to try to rob David Copperfield and then believe him when he shows you that his pockets are empty? The man made the Statue of Liberty disappear! He levitated over the
*That didn't actually happen, but it would have been a really AWESOME trick.
I think his greatest trick was getting into Claudia Schiffers' pants. Now that was amazing.
3:36 PM
Now that's just not fair! Why can't he make the hood that lives next door to me disappear. I only live like 50 miles further south. Damn.
P.S. Bombay's right.
11:54 PM
You know, I'm convinced that half of his technique is based on distracting eyebrow wiggling. You can't help but stare...
10:52 PM
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