Wow...That's Stupid

A flight to Dallas was diverted and forced to make an emergency landing in Nashville because someone on the plane lit a match. After all the passengers, crew, and luggage were removed from the plane and screened, someone came clean that it was them. They had lit the match in an attempt to cover up "a body odor", presumably gas.
If you fart on a plane you don't light a match and cause the plane to make an emergency landing. If you fart on a plane you look at the guy next to you in disgust, making it look like he did it. If it is REALLY bad, you look at the guy next to you in disgust and then make a lot of noise as you ask the flight attendant to switch your seat.
The woman suffered from an "unspecified medical condition", presumably stupidity.
Yeah. I heard about this yesterday. She is absolutely the Queen of the Tarables. Sometimes - just sometimes - people should T.H.I.N.K.
8:50 PM
Leave her alone... maybe her parasitic twin made a doodie.
1:12 PM
I'm going to start asking for an extra bag of peanuts on flights...for my parasitic twin. -Lulu
2:15 PM
There had better not be any parasitic twins, doodies or matches on any of the three million flights I'm taking to get to New Hampshire in January!
2:35 PM
Don't be knockin' my little piece of taradise.
8:11 PM
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