Sea Lions Eat People

I have a couple of questions. First, the sea lion has a harem? Interesting. Who knew that sea lions were the Hugh Hefners of the ocean?! Neat fact. I like to think about the dude sea lion sittin’ in his sea lion cave, in his sea lion smokin’ jacket, orderin’ bitches around. Second, and most importantly, the sea lion may have BRAIN DAMAGE FROM TOXIC ALGAE?!?!? Should people be swimming somewhere that toxic algae is making sea lions go so insane that they try to eat people? My training as an Aquatic Biologist says no, but my love of the FOX Network’s famous docu-drama “When Animals Attack” says… YES.
It's a LOOSE-SEAL (Lucille)
4:51 PM
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Nice Bucket. 45 Doglars to anyone who can spot where that "Loose-Seal" came from.
Oh, and it isn't from that show "Heroes" that that guy who commented on our "Halloween Models are Awesome" post loves so much. (p.s. we went to his blog and it is mostly about Jesus...and the TV show "Heroes")
4:54 PM
here are two more hints... he should be wearing a yellow bow tie, and it appears as though he has a taste for mammal blood.
8:21 PM
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