Anna Nicole Not Gonna Be Buried Anytime Soon

I'm not sure why they need to keep ALL of Anna Nicole around. If I remember from that time I got my degree in Biology, you don't need a whole body for a DNA sample (I slept through the majority of Genetics, but I think I would have remembered this one). Do they plan to haul her into court and perform the testing there, just to make sure the DNA used to confirm Dannielynn's identity came from the actual Anna Nicole? I don't think they'd go through this much effort to confirm who is the rightful King of England, but I guess Dannielynn could end up being worth more. What a sad and sort of sick ending. I hope when this is all over, Anna will finally find some peace. She'll just have to wait another 12 days.
Labels: Celebrity Gossip
Duh CaptainAdventure! Haven't you ever read Article 5 of the Constitution. It reads "A Corpse In Court Will Keep the Heathens Honest." Or maybe that is the one about the guns. I don't remember. -lulu
2:35 PM
Article 5 of the constitution spells out how the constitution can be amended. Switching the baby could let someone not the father, appear to be the father, assuming he had a spare baby of the same age and description, which he actually fathered, lying around. Keeping her whole body from being laid to rest is overkill. No pun or disrespect intended. My heart goes out to that poor child.
2:48 PM
Perhaps the constitution should be amended to include something about bringing corpses into court. I want my parents to adopt Dannielynn as my 4th sister. -Lulu
2:58 PM
Actually, I think this is one of those cases involving "Powers delegated to the States." In other words, the Constitution essentially prohibits the Federal government from interfering with an individual state requiring corpses be kept in court.
But I'm still too grief stricken to be arguing Con Law. First, we lose THIS.
3:09 PM
There's a word in Latin that specifically means "to pollute with a corpse." Can't remember what it is.
3:09 PM
Defenestration? Wait, no. That means to throw out the window.
3:15 PM
I do have a little bit of experience in this realm, and I never heard anyone say you needed the whole Mom in order to do paternity testing. I would recommend picking a part that's original and extracting the DNA from it, but that's just one girl's opinion.
3:37 PM
Perhaps reebs has hit upon it. It might take all of her to find enough "that's original."
3:54 PM
The judge also seemed confused about why you needed the mom's DNA for a paternity suit. That's when they came out with the "We don't want them to give us a different baby" argument. They act like 5 month old babies are all over the place just looking to be hauled into court for DNA testing. "Quick Howard K. Stern! Run outside and grab us a baby so we can pull the old switcheroo!"-Lulu
3:55 PM
TumTum, you might mean "habeas corpus", which literally means "you should have the body". It is the name of a legal action or writ by means of which detainees can seek relief from unlawful imprisonment. However, habeas corpus has a much broader meaning in common law today. A writ of habeas corpus is a court order addressed to a prison official (or other custodian) ordering that a prisoner be brought before the court for determination of whether that person is serving a lawful sentence and/or be released from custody.
8:17 PM
Did you write wikipedia or did wikipedia write you?
8:55 AM
I'm only slightly smarter than a circus seal, so I obviously got that from Wikipedia. Thanks for thinking I might have contributed that though.
10:03 AM
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