Ted Haggard Pronounced "Heterosexual", PHEW!

Yesterday, the panel overseeing Haggard's "recovery" released its findings that Haggard is not gay. On the small matter of his involvement with a male prostitute, the panel had this to say:
''He is completely heterosexual. That is something he discovered. It was the acting-out situations where things took place. It wasn't a constant thing. If we're going to be proved wrong, somebody else is going to come forward, and that usually happens really quickly. We're into this thing over 90 days and it hasn't happened.'' (Who knew that 90 days was the statute of limitation for 'He's gay' allegations against an evangelical? Mental note.)
I had to read this 8 times, but I think what they are saying is:
"He was only gay when he was actually having sex with that male prostitute every month for 3 years. When he wasn't having sex with that male prostitute, he wasn't gay. If no other men have come forward to say that they have had sex with him, then there are probably no other men, which means that he's not gay. Paying another man for sex monthly for 3 years doesn't make you gay, it just makes you rebellious."
Well, I'm glad we got this sorted out. Haggard and his wife have announced that they both plan to go back to school to pursue Master's degrees in Psychology which will presumably help them both to further investigate Haggard's “acting out" and maybe come to some conclusions about how to prevent further indiscretions.
*Thanks to Jackie and Jenny for the tip!
Labels: Conservatism, gays and lesbians, Religion
Wow - some of those Christians sure have convenient ways of defining sex and sexuality. For example, last night while watching Dirt I learned some neat rules. Turns out it's okay to have sex before marriage if you're only doing it with your minister, who might also be your Dad.
1:07 PM
Did anyone else see "Friends of God"? Haggard seemed to have a more than passing facination with the men in his church, how many times they did their wives, and how often during said relations their wives climaxed. Creepy.
2:13 PM
on a side note, someone should tell him and his wife that a masters degree in psychology is worthless. i should know, i have one.
good luck with that killer.
2:41 PM
Has your Masters in Psychology helped you to figure out more about why you had that affair with that male prostitute (for 3 years) who put you in touch with that Meth dealer who you then bought lots of drugs from? I hope so. I bet they have a whole class on that don't they? -Lulu
2:59 PM
Nope. They are no longer gay. And straight people are only straight when they are having sex with a person or prostitute of the opposite sex. The rest of the time, everyone (gay, straight, etc.) floats in the limbo of bisexuality. Congratulations!
9:11 AM
Does this also mean that someone is only a meth addict when they are doing meth?
10:12 AM
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