White House spokesman Tony Snow announced today that he will be off the job for a few weeks while he has a growth removed from his abdomen. Snow battled colon cancer in 2005, but his doctors do not believe this growth is a reoccurrence. Nonetheless, they are taking extra precautions and treating the development aggressively.
We wish Tony Snow the very best as he recovers from surgery. To lighten his load a bit, Scooter and Lulu would like to offer to fill in for him as White House spokesman while he recuperates. Given our extensive background in investigatory journalism, our insatiable desire for truth, and our undying admiration of America's free press, we think we would be just the team to take on this enormous responsibility. Since none of the qualities we just mentioned really matter in the job of White House spokesperson, we are also willing to learn a few card tricks, breakdancing moves, or whatever is needed to distract the kiddies until somebody who actually knows how to doublespeak can step in.
Dubya, you've got our number if you are interested in our offer (or you could just break in on the line since I'm sure our phones are tapped) and Tony, feel better soon. We'll miss you while you are away!Labels: Fox News, republicans
My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Snow and Mrs. Edwards and their respective families.
11:28 AM
I read on another blog that cancer is the great equalizer and that is so true. Hearing this news this morning and the news of Elizabeth Edwards last week truly saddened me. Politics aside, I wish them all the best recovery
1:07 PM
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