And You Thought We Had a Gambling Problem!

The best part about this story is what the representative from the Nevada Council on Problem Gaming had to say about the incident:
Gamblers who become addicted can enter a trancelike state where even basic hygiene habits are ignored. Their reasoning is so impaired by the addiction that they may go for hours and days without eating or showering. Gamblers have told counselors that they wore adult diapers or relieved themselves to keep from losing their seat at a slot machine where they expected the machine to pay off.
So yeah, maybe we like to gamble a little bit, but neither of us has ever urinated at a slot machine (as far as we can remember).
Labels: Gambling
I beg to differ. The best part is that Floyd (after sitting in urine and duking it out with the unapologetic staff) went out to his car and changed into "dirty sweatpants" so that he could continue to gamble. Gambling in dirty sweatpants could be considered step one on the path to gambling addiction (or, urinating on the stool at the one armed bandit).
7:58 AM
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