The Good Times Blog Does Europe

Scooter and Lulu are taking their show on the road! Unfortunately for you, our loyal readers, we will be out of town on a whirlwind trip of Europe starting July 24th. No worries, Lulu will return August 5th (and Scooter shortly thereafter) for much more good times. We'll try to post from the road, but no guarantees. We'll miss you, but probably not as much as you'll miss us.
Baby Dogs!
Scooter & Lulu
You will be missed!
4:09 PM
Speaking of trips and August 5, let this serve as the official announcement of my trip to D.C. I won't really be "available" until my conference starts on Monday the 7th, but I also don't leave town til the 13th. Fumbles can pick me up at the Washington Court and take me where ever we go to play. Thanks Fumbles!
Scooter, LuLu - have fun. Post from an internet cafe if you encounter anything that can't wait. I expect you may encounter some haters like us! And, please COME BACK! I contemplated life as an expat while in Ireland recently, so I know it is a very real possibility that you'll just simply want to stay. I promise, when we start the commune we can do it across the pond!
Much love, gris
5:05 PM
Oh dear - where are you when we need you?
11:20 AM
Huh, so by her logic..
"Coulter: I think that sort of rampant promiscuity does show some level of latent homosexuality."
a huge portion of the straight male population is gay???
It is really quite amazing that Ms. Coulter never runs out of venom to spit at people.
2:10 PM
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