Don't Be Silly! Voting is for Americans! (but not your kind of American)

The really funny part of this is that Tan D. Nguyen is an immigrant. If immigrants can get deported for voting...what happens to them if they try to run for federal office?!? Nguyen insists that it may have been someone on his campaign staff who sent the letter, but he had nothing to do with it and that person has since been discharged. Worst campaign staffer ever.
Can't keep me down - I just voted! Of course, I am a natural born citizen. You can't kick me out no matter how hard you try. You gotta love this early voting thing. It just might be the only good thing about Florida.
6:11 PM
Oh, P.S. I DID NOT VOTE FOR KATHERINE HARRIS! (In case you were curious.)
6:12 PM
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