Who's Your Daddy?

Now the fun part. Let's speculate on who the father is. My money is on Karl Rove. Let's be honest, there is nothing this administration does that he doesn't have his hands in. Why not this? Leave your guesses in the comments section. Best guess wins a warm can of Stag Beer.
Tom Delay has time on his hands and likes to F things up.
4:34 PM
No, no, no - it's Rick Santorum. It is always the one you least expect!
4:45 PM
Bill Darby
8:15 PM
It's totally the old lawyer from Austin that Daddy shot in the face. Impregnating her is just the most recent step in his penance for getting in the way of the perfect kill.
9:45 PM
David Crosby.
11:32 PM
When was David Crosby designated sperm donor to all the gays?
Wouldn't it be funny if they named the baby after her dad? The lesbian couple with the son named Dick. Ah ha ha!
And the insensitive loser says "goodnight!"
11:44 PM
I'd say Rush Limbaugh but we know he is battling ED. - Lulu
9:14 AM
I'm thinking someone from big oil or Halliburton. Grandpa needs an heir.
9:47 AM
It's either Andrew Sullivan, Joe Solomonese, or Ken Mehlman.
10:02 AM
10:03 AM
Mark Foley
10:04 AM
Andrew Sullivan, i like that. I think it was Bob Knight. The spokesperson for concerned women for america that is so appaled that they are having a baby.
Does anyone else find it humorous that concerned WOMEN for america has a man as their spokesperson?
10:49 AM
I'm pretty sure the "Concerned Women for America" are "Stand Behind Their Man" kind of women so having a dude speak for them makes perfect sense Scooter.
Maybe the Dad was John Mark Karr! Hope they don't give him visitation rights! -Lulu
10:55 AM
Thank you CaptainAdventure for your reference to Stag Beer, the Official Beer of the Good Times Blog. -Lulu
11:32 AM
so which do you think these wingers would be more against? lesbians adopting or lesbians having abortions.
of course the idea of lesbians having abortions is rather comical. One would have to INTENTIONALLY get pregnant and then have the abortion.
11:32 AM
Scooter, that would be ridiculous. That would be like me baking a cake just to throw it out the window. Kind of. -lulu
11:47 AM
The father is Ann Coulter
2:06 PM
That can only mean the baby is going to be a harpy eagle.
2:14 PM
Oh No! Let's hope Mary and Heather don't have a pet monkey! -Lulu
3:13 PM
If it was like Mojo on the Simpsons, that would be much cooler than a baby.
3:21 PM
I hear that Brangelina are planning to adopt the baby once its born but that they're facing stiff competition from Madonna whose given up on the Malawi government.
11:30 AM
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