If you are like me, you thought that Rush Limbaugh lost what little credibility he ever had when he admitted to being a prescription drug abusing hypocrite back in 2003. Well, it turns out that he still had a shred of dignity to lose. Caught yesterday at the Palm Beach International Airport with a bottle of Viagra that wasn’t prescribed to him, Limbaugh has proven that he has actually gone off the deep end, as evidenced by the fact that he believed he could actually get some! Now, we all know that drug abuse is no laughing matter, but Rush Limbaugh getting caught at the airport with a bottle of ED drugs is! We wish Rush all the best with “recovery” and hope that the recent embarrassment doesn’t send him running back to the painkillers.
Even worse...I just got really excited that there was a new comment and it was just you, talking to me, while we are talking to eachother on IM. Hey! I think we are officially Bloggers! You know...people who only communicate with the outside world via computer.
Oops, in my haste I used the incorrect punctuation mark. It should read: "who is having sex with Rush Limbaugh???" And, yes - 3 question marks on purpose. I am trying to adequately represent my aversion to sex with Rush Limbaugh. You know when people say - Margaret Thatcher naked? Works with Rush, too.
You think he's quick in the sack - you know, cause his name is "Rush"...
Wow! 11...now 12 Comments!!! I think we might be able to get some advertisers if we keep up like this. I can see the headlines "Super Popular Blog Receives Extrememly Lucrative Advertising Contract Enabling Bloggers to Buy Awesome Stuff!"
Maybe its his new way of forcing his maid to shop for drugs for him.
"Get me my pills maria or i'm gonna give it to you!"
ugh, gross.
1:32 PM
Ew...I just threw up a little in my mouth. Thanks Scooter.
Is it sad that we post comments to eachother on our own blog?
1:36 PM
Not at all.
What's sad is that we are talking to each other on IM while doing it and say, "I just posted a comment on our blog, go read it"
2:00 PM
Even worse...I just got really excited that there was a new comment and it was just you, talking to me, while we are talking to eachother on IM. Hey! I think we are officially Bloggers! You know...people who only communicate with the outside world via computer.
Sad sad people.
2:10 PM
Amanda, where are you? We can't be our own biggest fans!!
2:31 PM
Okay fine. My comment: who is having sex with Rush Limbaugh. That makes me throw up a lot.
2:42 PM
2:44 PM
Oops, in my haste I used the incorrect punctuation mark. It should read: "who is having sex with Rush Limbaugh???" And, yes - 3 question marks on purpose. I am trying to adequately represent my aversion to sex with Rush Limbaugh. You know when people say - Margaret Thatcher naked? Works with Rush, too.
You think he's quick in the sack - you know, cause his name is "Rush"...
Okay, new low. I'm there.
2:45 PM
OK, OK. It was me. I "did" Rush Limbaugh (though was nothing 'rushed' about it)....
and Clay Aiken.
2:47 PM
Man! BB has diverse taste!
2:53 PM
I am an equal opportunity man slayer
2:56 PM
Wow! 11...now 12 Comments!!! I think we might be able to get some advertisers if we keep up like this. I can see the headlines "Super Popular Blog Receives Extrememly Lucrative Advertising Contract Enabling Bloggers to Buy Awesome Stuff!"
3:52 PM
13. You better give some of said awesome stuff to your most prolific poster. Dammit.
4:01 PM
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