Sofia Loren IS Kim Jong Il?!?!

I started to write 2 different posts for neat things that happened today. The first was to be titled: “Sofia Loren to Pose Nude, Also Maybe Made of Plastic”. This of course would have been about the fact that Sofia Loren has agreed to pose wearing only a pair of diamond earrings as part of the 2007 Pirelli Calendar. The second was to be called: “Kim Jong Il Still a Crazy MoFo” and would naturally be about
While both of these stories are worthy of consideration by the GTB (yes, we have guidelines. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t just write about ANYTHING), when I started to piece together the info needed, I realized something SUPER SCARY.
Sofia Loren and Kim Jong Il may be…THE SAME PERSON.
I won’t go into all the reasons I think that Kim Sofia Jong Il has been pulling the wool over our eyes for at least 65 years, I think the picture above shows you what I’m talking about. If they are not in fact the same person, I am torn over who I would rather see naked on a calendar. I do think Kim Jong Il would sell more copies, what with option to threaten nuclear annihilation and all. But maybe I am 'misunderestimating' the sheer curiosity about what Sofia Loren’s boobs look like at 72.
His/Her secret powers must be somehow connected to those fabulous glasses she/he wears. Do you think I could be a sex symbol and a dictator if I had a pair?
9:18 AM
Sofia Loren transcends the normal laws of the universe. To state otherwise is blasphemy.
On another note, have you looked at that damn Pirelli calendar for years past? Wow is all I have to say.
9:38 AM
Sofia Loren is plastic...and is also Kim Jong Il. I'm sticking to my guns on this one.
9:43 AM
I have directed my Grand Inquisitor to begin an investigation into your claims. If found to be untrue, you will be hung for your crimes.
1:31 PM
Ooh, ooh! Pick me, pick me! Can I be the Grand Inquisitor?
4:05 PM
FYI...Pirelli Calendar= NSFW (not suitable for work).
2:52 PM
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