A car dealership in Ohio is the recipient of today's "Tara-ble Idea Award"*. The winning idea was a promotional campaign that sought to reel in buyers with a commercial where the dealership declares "Jihad on the American Auto Market!". To continue with the theme, children who came shopping with their parents would be given plastic swords, and best of all, every Friday would be "Fatwa Friday" featuring special deals and discounts! After a "deluge" of complaints and an edict from the Mitsubishi Motors Company, the dealer has agreed to pull the commercial. Culturally offensive advertising campaigns...a truly Tara-ble idea.
*The "Tara-ble Idea Award" is a new feature of the GTB honoring ideas that have a certain Tara Reid essence about them. There is no monetary prize associated with this award. The only criterion is that and idea be a blatantly bad one. If would like to nominate an idea, please contact us (currently the best way to do that is to post a comment in the comments section). Labels: Tara-ble Idea Award
Tara is my hero................
9:47 PM
Brilliant. Truly brilliant. You have now given me a purpose in life. Instead of just being Caroline's mommy, I can now spend hours each day, combing the internet for bad ideas! Tara Reid is THE BEST mascot for this whole thing... And the best part is, whenever someone does a search on her name, YOUR BLOG WILL POP UP!!!
12:14 PM
you gotta know keith. keith dennis that is. the one who owns dennis mitsubishi. this is no surprise to me. i have known him since i was in elementary school and i now have 5 kids of my own. very much one of a kid guy. he is recently divorced from his high school sweet heart, my cousin after 25 years. great guy! funny thing is I AM A MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!
12:42 PM
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