Shady's Back...Tell a Friend!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Here's a Winner...

I'm not gonna beat a dead horse. I'm days behind on this one and most of you already know the story...but have you read the Instant Messages? Beware, that link is sorta NSFW. The interesting news is that he checked himself into rehab for alcoholism today. I know lots of guys who do stupid things when they are drunk (like I have one friend who thinks he knows Kung Fu...he doesn't), but I haven't met anyone who gets drunk and suddenly decides to send sexually explicit instant messages/e-mails to underaged boys. In the words of my Kung Fu loving friend "Everybody has their vice." Too bad for Mark Foley that his vice is a few years shy of legal. To Mark Foley...and his truly Tara-ble idea.

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Blogger (A Little) Gris Gris said...

Even Tara isn't as bad as Mark Foley. That man is a truly repulsive predator.

Not to make light of a terrible situation, but at least Monica was legal.

9:16 PM

Blogger (A Little) Gris Gris said...

Or the clergy.

11:06 AM

Blogger The Pink Totebag said...

So glad to see that other people noticed the fact that he is pointing fingers at alcohol and priests to explain the fact that he is a) gay, and b) a child predator. Sadly, there are probably even more people out there who now think that if you are gay, you will become a child molester than ever before. I am so sick of people using excuses and trips to rehab to explain their deplorable actions.

9:13 PM


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