- For all you St. Mary's College of Maryland, The Maryland Alternative, Alums out there, big news from Down County...the Maryland State Highway Administration installed the very first traffic roundabout in St. Mary's County at the end of last summer! So far, the traffic roundabout has prevented accidents, but County residents have had trouble dealing with the change. Some drivers have been seen cutting through parking lots to avoid the circle or have stopped driving the roads that intersect (Rts. 234 & 238 all together) altogether. In the words of the clerk at the liquor store that faces the new roundabout, "If you just watch, someone will do something." Isn't that true for LOTS of things in the County? Thanks to Jackie for the tip!
- Travel & Leisure Magazine just released its list of "America's Favorite Cities" for 2007. Wondering where D.C. ranks? Well, we are #1 for "worldly and nurturing an international culture"! That's the good news. We rank in the bottom 5 for "friendliness", "fun", "style", and "attractive people". What more can you expect from the city where Congress lives. Thanks to Carrie for the tip!
- Everyone's favorite A-hole, Judge Roy L. "I'm Suin' my Dry Cleaner for $54 million and My One Hope Seems To Be That I Ruin Their Lives" Pearson, Jr. is most likely going to lose his job. I say most likely because the The Commission on Selection and Tenure of Administrative Law Judges hasn't told Pearson yet. We'll let you know when it is official so you can go out and hug your dry cleaner. Thanks to Cara for the tip!
Labels: HOT TIPS
So, if I ever get really bored when I move back to County, you'll know where to find me. :)
3:19 PM
Sorry, that should say "the County". I'd like to consider myself smarter than the townies, but maybe I'm not.
3:19 PM
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