Big Gay Soy

Sadly, to investigate this piece I had to spend some time on World Net Daily (where they advertise a "Nukalert" key chain, "Personal Radiation Detector and Alarm") and I discovered something more astonishing and horrible than how evil soy is ruining America...Chuck Norris writes for them. He has a weekly column. Remember how you felt when you found out there was no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy? That's how I feel about knowing that Chuck Norris writes for World Net Daily. Kind of like there is a vacuum in my soul and the world will never be right again. It is comforting to know that soy is slowly destroying my body and I won't have to deal with this disappoinment for forever.
*Thanks to Captain Adventure and an Anonymous source for the tip.
Labels: Chuck Norris
Does this have anything to do with the recently discovered association between being smart and becoming a vegetarian? Clearly (since I am not a vegetarian and therefore not smart) I am having a hard time deciphering what must be an obvious link...
1:48 PM
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