I went away for a wedding this weekend and just as I’m settling back into my routine I read this headline:
Rumsfeld Says Taliban Will Be Defeated
Uh, what? I thought we already defeated the Taliban? Now, I will admit that sometimes I’m not completely up to date on what regime is running what country in parts east of Maryland, but I could have sworn that the Taliban had been ousted. I distinctly remember having Gatorade dumped on me to celebrate our victory. Perhaps I misinterpreted something? Maybe I am crazy? High on opium? As I often do, I turned to Google for help. Turns out I’m not makin’ it up:
“In Afghanistan we defeated the Taliban regime, but that was just the first step. The liberation of that country was the beginning of the long and unrelenting struggle we have entered. America is a patient and determined country.” – George W. Bush, 7/4/02, WV 4th of July Celebration Speech
“The United States and its coalition partners defeated the Taliban, put al Qaeda on the run and eliminated Afghanistan as the international hub for al Qaeda terrorist training.” – White House Press Release on Compliance with 9/11 Commission Recommendations, 7/30/04
Hell, even Rumsfeld said we had “moved from major combat activity to a period of stability and stabilization and reconstruction activities."
This wasn’t even all that came up! Dubya, Condi, Colin, Rummy, all of them said we did it! We’ve WON! It turns out that they might have spoken too soon. Now, I know can’t expect this administration to be “meticulous” about getting the "facts" straight before they start wars, but could they at least get their facts straight before they tell me we’ve won one? That Gatorade ruined my shirt and now I have 1,000 coffee mugs that say “We defeated the Taliban, what did YOU do today CANADA?” that I can't return. Thanks.