Who We Don't Like Today: Judge Roy Pearson

Roy Pearson dropped off a pair of pants that he wanted to have altered because they had gotten a little too snug. When he returned to find that the pants were missing, he wrote to the Chung Family, the owners of the Custom Cleaners dry cleaning service on Bladensburg Rd. in the Fort Lincoln section of Washington D.C. and demanded $1,150 to purchase a new suit. Gradually, Pearson's estimation of the damages he had incurred went from $1,150 to $65 Million. This amount includes payment for "mental suffering, inconvenience and discomfort", and money for him to rent a car every weekend for the next 10 years since he (quite obviously) can no longer use Custom Cleaners and will now have to drive to have his suits cleaned.
It will cost the Chung family thousands of dollars to defend themselves in court and it will cost you the tax payers thousands of dollars for this idiotic case to be heard. Oh, and the Chungs are pretty sure they found Pearson's pants. He hasn't come by to pick them up. Jackass.
*Thanks to Amanda for the tip.
Labels: Crazy